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19 May 2011

the dentist

We went to the dentist. I was under the impression from my dental hygienist that kiddos didn't need to go to the dentist till they were a little older and could sit still for a cleaning, but after talking to my dentist friend Dr. Erin (Yes, I have a friend who's a dentist. How cool am I?), I decided to go ahead and schedule a visit. We have dental insurance that covers visits for them, so I figured as long as they didn't come away scared, even if no actual teeth checking/cleaning was accomplished, I really hadn't lost anything.

I honestly had no idea what to expect from either of the girls. I figured Juliet would sit still for a little while, but Beetle I wasn't so sure about ...

We have a Barney Goes to the Dentist book that we've read many times, but other than that I didn't really do anything to prepare them ... other than act like we were going to an amusement park with my excitement that morning!

And fortunately the dentist office didn't disappoint with lots of toys and a big pirate ship slide in the waiting room!

Both girls did AWESOME. They took Juliet back by herself to see if she'd let them clean her teeth.

She did.

And I've got video to prove it. (Maybe the most boring video ever, but I had to document)

She told the hygienist that she didn't think her sister was going to open wide for the dentist :)

My mom with Beetle watching J get her teeth cleaned.


Beetle did great too. They don't do a cleaning at that age. Just a quick look inside while I held her. She didn't fight or cry or anything. Just looked up at the dentist's face ... why doesn't she do that when I brush her teeth!?!?!

And our current teeth cleaning regimen at home must be sufficient cause the dentist said that both girls' teeth looked great!

And Juliet said "I LOVE THE DENTIST!" as we were checking out afterwards so I guess the trip was a total success!!

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