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03 February 2011

heart garland tutorial

I have seen a lot of different Valentine's Day decorations out there in blog land, and while I contemplated making this beauty, I opted for a more kid friendly creation that Juliet could help me with. Besides, Ashley's required an old book and cute scrapbook paper - neither of which I had - and I didn't want to dig my sewing machine out of the hall closet.

Really half the fun of crafting for me is trying to use what I have around the house. In this case, we had some finger painted construction paper, some beads, and some yarn (I actually unraveled something I had started to crochet a few years ago!). I figured surely I could make a garland out of these supplies!


So, I didn't really have a plan for this. It just sort of evolved from one thing to the next and took multiple days to complete. The stack of finger paintings sat on the counter for a week before I cut the hearts one day while the girls ate, etc, etc. Juliet helped me some, but I did a lot on my own too. She's only 2 and her attention span just isn't there yet. Even if she only helped me string 8 of the hearts, I still like that she helped because she totally owns the garland and is so proud of our creation.


First we finger painted on some construction paper one day. We used red and white paint on red, pink, and white paper. You wouldn't have to do this step, but it was something that Juliet could do with me, so we did. You could also use scrapbook paper or felt. So many variations!

Then I cut hearts of different sizes out of the paper. My hearts were really wonky and misshapen. I could not put heart cutting on my resume. But in the end it didn't seem to matter, so don't worry if yours look wonky too.


Cut small hole in each heart, either using a hole punch or small scissors. I didn't put the holes in the same place on each heart for some variety, but made sure they would all hang right side up.


Measure and cut a piece of yarn. You will want to cut it a little longer than you'll need (for the loops around each heart), but if it's too short, you can always just tie some more yarn on later.

Wrap a little bit of scotch tape around one end of the yarn to make stringing the beads and hearts on easier.

You are ready to start stringing your garland!

The ONLY slightly tricky thing about this entire project is that you have to work backwards as you string your hearts. In other words, when you string on your first bead and heart, you will need to slide them down the entire piece of yarn to the other end. This makes for a lot of sliding at first, but I couldn't figure out another way to do it ...

So, then string a bead.


And then a heart.


Then slide the bead and heart across the yarn to where you want them.


Then thread the end of the yarn back through your bead.


Pull yarn through to make your loop tight (but not too tight) around the heart.


Repeat until your garland is full of lovely hearts!


Hang and enjoy!


Like I said before, there are so many possibilities. Different paper, maybe some glitter, maybe a delicate one made with mono filament rather than yarn. You could totally just tie knots if you didn't have any beads.

I am currently scheming a green clover filled garland and an Easter egg garland in my head!!


Go and make one. You will love it too!!!

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