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04 February 2011

snow: round 2

Are you getting craft overload yet?


Cause there's more!

Why blog about this stuff when there are SO MANY craft blogs out there? I guess I just enjoy reading what other moms are doing with their kiddos and think maybe I could return the favor ...

I like things that are fun to do with Juliet, easy (read mindless and not time consuming), and result in something cheerful. So that's what we've been doing.

Stained glass hearts hanging in our dining room window. This fun idea is from Jean's blog The Artful Parent. Really amazing blog with new ideas ALL THE TIME.


Juliet really enjoyed sprinkling the crayon shavings, but the rest of the project was more of a mom thing.

Our Valentines in progress. I had some doilies left over from Beetles birthday banner and thought I'd let Juliet paint on them. Well, she was not liking the paint. She kept telling me it smelled nasty and was just not interested. So, I was painting - cause I mean, SOMEONE had to use up the paint - and when there was just a little paint left I placed a doilie in the paint and pressed my fingers around a bit and when I lifted it up I saw this.


Fun huh? And then suddenly my painting side kick was interested again, grabbing doilies and dipping them like this was our plan all along, and we'd knocked out 24 doilies in a matter of minutes.



No clue what we're going to do with them, but that's another project for another day. Cause it's craft filled days here in Oklahoma where it snows all the time and we are stuck inside with our construction paper and glue sticks!


Dominic went to Super WalMart this afternoon and they only have the grocery section open. All other areas were roped off. Maybe because they don't have enough employees to keep the whole store open? I don't know but it is CRAZINESS. We got about 4 more inches today.

Here's a picture before today's snow (took this morning before it started).


And toward the end of round 2.


So thankful to have all our needs met and then some.


So very warm and toasty here.

Happy weekend!

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