Starting with little Beetles' first birthday party. I don't know if I've ever explained why we call Corinne by the nick name Beetles on this blog. When we brought Corinne home from the hospital at 1 week old to meet her big sister, Juliet's verbal skills were good for a 17 month old, but still limited. So, she called her new sister "B" - J speak for baby - and it stuck. B has evolved and changed over time, first to Bee-Duh-Lee and now to Beetles. I call her by her nick names so much sometimes it feels funny when I actually use her name! Juliet can say Corinne now as well. She says it really cute ;)
We had a small family party for Corinne's first birthday. A bee themed party for our little B. Saturday morning brunch. No formal invitations. Not a lot of fuss. The type of party where wear your husband's pajama pants and no one cares. It was awesome :)
My focus for the party theme and decorations was simply to get some good pictures of Corinne; like something I might actually frame if I managed to take a picture that was in focus. I had seen on Annalea's blog what she did for her son's first birthday party using bed sheets for a photo backdrop, but didn't have a cute one on hand. I oped to use construction paper to make our beehive backdrop. The banner is paper doilies and more of the construction paper. Used my cricut to cut the letters.

Juliet and I made the cupcakes for the party. I have recently mastered the art of making my own icing so saw this as a perfect opportunity to whip up a batch in yellow! The cupcake toppers are just stickers from the scrapbook isle at Michaels stuck on toothpicks.

Now for our little B's outfit! I had a black and white tutu I'd made for Juliet's one year pictures I paired with some yellow leggings and a black shirt I put on a B on with no sew Heat'n Bond. I thought about changing out the white on the tutu with yellow, but decided not to. I kind of like a less literal interpretation of things (e.g. Juliet's Halloween monkey costume). The antenna were spray painted dollar store headbands (7 for $1) with a pipe cleaner wrapped around the middle.

Everyone got a pair :)

She got lots of fun presents, but probably would have been just as content with grandma's cell phone and fun yellow present filler :)

And yes, that's what Juliet wore during the party!
So we ate, opened presents, and sang to our big one year old birthday girl! Here is she soaking up her birthday song ... and the fact that she's sitting on our dining room table with her entire family staring at her :)

And here she is once she'd gotten a taste of my icing!

The scrapbook paper flowers provided some fun entertainment too!
I loved the cake pictures we had taken of Juliet by an actual professional, but I have to say that I love these too! No, they aren't perfect; but they are her in the actual moment and I love that about them.
It was a perfect birthday party for our sweet little B who has brought us so much joy over the last year that I simply can't imagine how we ever survived without her!! And considering I spent about $20 (not including breakfast food costs), I think I did pretty darn good!
You can see the rest of the pictures I took here.
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