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26 November 2011

monday ramblings

Only 6 days till my due date. Single digits. How the heck did this happen?!?

Weird to still be pregnant. Especially considering I have been planning on having this baby ANY DAY for the last ... oh 5 weeks or so. Trying to keep the fridge stocked with essentials, the house picked up, toilets clean, etc. We went to the grocery store this morning to stock up ONE LAST TIME before little Luke arrives. Surely I won't need to go to the store again ... surely ...

Some super special pregnancy symptoms have picked up the last couple weeks, namely my funky blurred vision issue and crazy cramps/pains in my inner thigh/groin. Neither are really bad or unmanageable, just kind of annoying to be out with your two small children and have your eye go crazy so you barely see and definitely can't drive. Usually lasts about 20 minutes or so; happening about every other day. I had this with the girls too, but not nearly this much (maybe 3-4 times total). The cramping sharp pain must just be him hitting some nerves, but man it catches me off guard sometimes! I go back to the doctor on Thursday.

Hump day nuggets kind of fell off in November. There was an actual reason other than my laziness :) Corinne decided about 3 weeks ago that getting up between 5 and 5:30 is a good idea. Nothing like chocolate milk and Curious George before the sun comes up ... groan. So, I have been trying to go to bed around 9 since I've been getting up at 5 and this pregnant girl needs her sleep (especially when you factor in nighttime potty breaks, hip pain rotations, etc, etc). With the girls going to bed at 8, I just haven't had time to blog - or spend any "fun" time on the computer - lately. Every night I feel like I have to get the dishes done and the house picked up and ready for my water to break at midnight ...

So between trying to be ready for this baby at any moment and getting up at 5am nearly every day, November has been kind of exhausting. Guess the outlook for December isn't much different, huh??


So here's some November (pre-Thanksgiving) highlights!

We have only a couple days until she's two. Geez. How did that happen? That means I was in the hospital (for a week) this time just 2 years ago. Now I have a super silly, independent, but ever so sweet girl living with me.

She helped put her outfit together.


She's gone from working simple peg puzzles (where one piece fits in a cut out) just a few months ago to a stinkin' expert. Girl will sit and work 50 piece puzzles with you! Her niche is more 15-24 piece, but still. She's amazing :) Working perfection - one of her favorite "games." We don't turn the timer on ... yet. Maybe next month ;)


I can't resist her coming up to my leg all decked out in mismatched (and often inside out) dress up clothes and asking "Mommy, dance with me?" She's into Curious George all of a sudden. She likes to do everything by herself. She loves to help me cook. And thankfully she's feeling much better after a visit to the doctor last week (another sinus infection).

And then there's this one.


Helping babysit baby Samuel. She loves to hold him :)

We've hit a bit of an ornery streak lately. She's testing limits. Just making sure us parent people will actually follow through and that we are actually in charge. We are talking a lot about listening to each other, loving each other, and I am asking the question my mom asked my sisters' and I when we were growing up (well, technically she still asks it!).

How does that make you feel?

Thanks for that, Mom. I now ask that question 10+ times a day. I am turning into you - dark circles and all :)

In the midst of the ornery outbursts, she's her regular sweet self. Thinking about others before herself and loving just to play pretend with her sister. She's got so much joy and energy for the holidays and special events (like Beetles bday) it's contagious. Her holiday spirit is definitely going to be carrying us all through this next tiring month. I mean, the girl is pumped for SNOW and WINTER and SANTA and COOKIES and EVERYTHING. I love it!

She went to her first movie in the theater this past weekend. Aunt Dan and Uncle David took her to see the Muppet Movie.


She's been pretending to be Aunt Dan - complete with a purse full of pretend snacks for a pretend movie in the living room - ever since :)

The girls got their first girl cousin this month! Yay for cousins! Little Lucy (Lucea Mae) was born November 16th.


We are anxious to squeeze her!


We put up our Christmas decorations the weekend before Thanksgiving. Just another something I wanted to check off my list cause this baby was coming any day ...


Daddy lovingly and sweetly explained that we should try to hang the ornaments on all different parts of the Christmas tree and that we shouldn't hang ones that look like each other right next to each other.


Needless to say, we had some ornament re-hanging to do after bedtime :)


I snapped these one Saturday afternoon in early November. I think they were playing outside listening to the TU football game.


Charlie was not very helpful during the photo shoot, trying to give Daddy a kiss and then pawing at his face.



And Corinne felt that playing with the end of the pinwheel was a good idea.


I tried. Group shot FAIL!

We've been doing a lot of this lately.



The girls play their instruments while Dominic plays his guitar. They love it.

Oh, and I have the best and easiest craft idea EVER to share. Pretty sure I saw it over at Artful Parent first a while ago, but randomly tried it a couple weeks ago and it has been a huge success with both girls. Behold, clear contact paper taped to window for sticking stuff on.


We've done tissue paper, glitter, sequins, and leaves so far. Both girls have really enjoyed it. Way more than I thought they would. I would have done it months ago if I'd known!!

Well, going to aim to get a Thanksgiving post up ... you guessed it ... before baby Luke arrives!

Happy Monday everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe that baby is still in your belly! Thinking about all FIVE of you! :)
