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05 December 2009

A few more pictures

So, I haven't been on the computer since I got home from the hospital on Wednesday until today. It's been crazy here. Trying to get the house cleaned and ready, get up to the hospital for feedings, spend time with Juliet/Dominic, eat, sleep, pump, etc, etc. We are all excited for Corinne to come home. Juliet can't go into the NICU so it will be a big day with the infamous and much talked about "baby sister" comes home :)

Corinne is doing really well. She is eating like a champ, got her photo therapy lights turned off, and is off her IV fluids as of today! Here's a few pictures.

Daddy getting to hold his baby girl for the first time:

Tanning under photo therapy lights with her goggles:

Sweet sleeping picture (I turned off the lights to snap this one):

The BEST NICU nurse in the whole world - my cousin Monica - has been taking care of Corinne:

Sleeping while I was changing her diaper:

Sweet smile ... likely dreaming about coming home sometime next week:


  1. She looks like Juiet with lighter hair. Glad to hear that she is doing so well! I know you are excited for J to finally meet her!

  2. So happy for your family! She's beautiful! :)

  3. Welcome home! She is precious,and so cute and tiny! Glad you are both doing well. I can't wait to see her in person. :)

  4. She is absolutely beautiful!! She reminds me so much of Juliet. :)
    If ya'll are up to it this weekend, I can come by and take pictures. If not, no biggie. We'll get it done when ever you're ready.
    We are so glad she is home!
    Good job, Momma!
