A whole month has passed since the events detailed in my "the day you were born" post as sweet Corinne turned one month old today. It's funny that it seems like it can't have been a month already yet for whatever reason it feels like she's been a part of our family forever. She's doing great; aside from being small, she doesn't really seem like a preemie to me. She looks more and more like her big sister every day, only with lighter hair and without a dimple in her chin. She's got one in her right cheek instead :) Corinne is long and skinny, though her cheeks are filling out and she's getting a bit of a double chin. She's eating about every 3 hours round the clock, surprising me with a 4 hour block every once in a while. She's nursing and taking a bottle and dad is helping out with night time feedings which has been WONDERFUL. Mom loves to hold her and kiss her and enjoys taking afternoon cat naps with her.
We've been to the doctor three times since getting out of the hospital. Here's a record of her weight gain to date.
November 30th (birthday): 5 lbs 1 oz
December 7th (Day we left the hospital): 4 lbs 13 oz
December 9th (2 day checkup with pediatrician): 4 lbs 15 oz
December 17th (2 week checkup): 5 lbs 7 oz
December 30th (one month): 6 lbs 9 oz
That's 18 oz in 14 days folks! The doctor was both shocked and pleased with how well she's doing! She's still small for her age (< 3%), but we are gaining on the percentile lines so that is a good thing.
She's outgrown her size preemie clothes already and at this rate I don't think I'm going to buy much size NB stuff!
I had planned a photo shoot today, but she decided to spit up all over her cute outfit (and mom) so we'll have to try again tomorrow :)
I'm glad you both are doing so well. Happy New Year! :)