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25 June 2010


Couple of video firsts to share tonight.

While at a friends house for a play date and lunch today, Corinne ate her first finger food. She was staring longingly at Juliet's crackers, and while I certainly wouldn't have given Juliet a Ritz cracker at 6.5 months, it seemed like a harmless and fun experiment :) She liked it so much we did it again when we got home.

We got a pool. It's basically an oversized baby pool (10ft x 30in deep), but it has been perfect for us. According to Juliet, she has been "going under" for the last few weeks, but she was technically only putting her ears and mouth in the water (she would lean her head back and submerge herself that far). She'd go all the way under a few times by herself while we'd swim, but she wasn't crazy about it. That all changed tonight when we went swimming. We couldn't keep her above the water for longer than a few seconds! She just kept bouncing around and going under OVER AND OVER again. "JULIET GO UNDER! JULIET GO UNDER!" It was really neat to see it all click.

She's going to be a fish :) ... and I will add that little sis has gone under a few times herself and comes up with a big smile on her face!

One more thing, even though I have years of swim instructor experience, I intentionally haven't done any swim lesson type stuff with Juliet in the pool. I've just let her be herself and do her own thing. And while it has felt like we haven't really been doing anything other than playing with bath toys in the pool, blowing bubbles, and splashing, she's gone from blowing bubbles to going completely under by herself in about 3 weeks! I am excited to watch her progress over the rest of the summer ... stay tuned :)

1 comment:

  1. We had our first "mommy & me" swim lesson tonight. Molly totally freaked out when I dunked her. Hopefully by the end of the 6 week session, she'll be a little fish like Juliet!
