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11 July 2010

weekend ramblings

On my run this evening, I saw a lady practicing clogging in her garage. Things like that make me love living in the great state of Oklahoma! Yes, I went on a run. Twice in the last 7 days as a matter of fact. I'm pretty proud of myself. While the duration and frequency both need to increase, something is better than nothing. I managed to run about 10 min tonight. 6 min - 2 min walk break - 4 more min. Now if I could just stop making and eating sprinkled sweets with my two year old all the time, maybe I'd see some progress.

We had a pretty fun and relaxing weekend which was much needed after Daddy's work trip last week. It was hot and humid. The kind of humid that makes you sweat the split second you walk outside. We fed the ducks at our pond (not really ours, but I'm going to pretend that it is), ate hot dogs and popsicles, went swimming, and did our fair share of dancing around the living room. I love weekends. I look forward to them all week long.

I did miss out on a weekend trip with my some of my high school girlfriends so that was a bummer. I backed out on them. I'm tired just as it is and Daddy's trip sent me into crazy tired mode (why can't I sleep when he's not here?). B's sleep is a bit crazy right now leaving me a bit more tired than usual. I can tell she's consolidating her sleep schedule (taking less naps, hopefully meaning she'll sleep longer at night), but she's been waking up at around 2 or 3 am pretty consistently for an hour or so. Just awake. J did the same thing, so I am not worried like I was the first time around, but I still don't have a whole lot of energy for things beyond what a normal day around here already requires. So, while a weekend full of shopping, eating, and staying up late drinking wine and talking with some of the funniest most amazing people in my life sounded like fun, I just knew I couldn't pull it off. I know my limits. Sometimes it sucks to know your limits when it means disappointing friends and missing out on fun, but I think I made the right decision. And, there's always next year! Here's to hoping I'll be a bit more rested by then :)

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