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02 August 2010

blog makeover

Hi everyone! Welcome to my new blog.

Why the new blog you ask? Well, I needed a change. Not just a fun new background from the Cutest Blog on the Block or a new picture collage for my blog header, but a big change. I haven't been happy with our old blog for a while now. I constantly felt like even though my mind was full of ideas for posts and things I wanted to write about and milestones that needed to be documented, I was ALWAYS behind. Always. It was starting to become a place where I'd dump a bunch of information every few months in a very boring wordy long post. I'm sure it was painful to read most of the time. Painful to write too for that matter. It didn't seem to capture the essence of our life - rich, sweet, and just plain funny as it is - which is exactly what I always wanted my blog to do.

It was this post that convinced me that I needed a fresh start. This post that captured what my heart was feeling in that moment so perfectly that I knew that this was the type of blogging I needed to try to get back to - short, sweet, in the moment, and real.

So, a fresh start.

I left Blogger for a month, but am back. I was enticed by the sleek iPhone app and simple classy layouts of but Blogger just can't be beat. So I moved all my tumblr posts here and am here for good ... or at least for a while.

Changes. Probably the biggest change from our old blog is that there will be more than a couple posts every couple months! I am going to blog the way I blog best, which is small. Sure, I love to put together a long rant for the world to read on occasion, but I am better at sharing a picture, random story, quote, or video on a regular basis. So, this means more posts which may be annoying for some. If I overwhelm your Google Reader, I am sorry :)

A few more things. Everyone should be able to comment now, not just "registered" users. If this gets to be a problem, I'll change it back, but for now, comment away! I'm using Flickr for our photos and videos instead of Picasa. You can click on the "Photos" tab right below the header (Great new gadget addition from Blogger - pages navigation bar) to get links to photo/video albums for each month.

Hope you are having a good day wherever you are. It's a beautiful day in OK!

1 comment:

  1. Yippee, Dawn! I love the idea of a little tidbit from the Schultes on a daily basis. Go ahead. Hit my google reader with your best shot! :)
