If there were diaper padlocks I might buy one. J keeps taking her diaper off at night which makes for a wet bed in the morning. Sigh. I tried very nicely to explain to her that she needed to keep it on at night as I changed her sheets this morning ...
I also put an entire load full of stuff animals in the wash today. That was a first. Bert, Ernie, Barney and the whole gang of 20 friends J sleeps with are fresh and clean!!
B has pretty much figured out the whole crawling thing, but her speed is slower than a snail. I'm trying to get a video, but every time I bust it out, she gets frustrated and won't move for me and I end up with a 25 second video of her whining.
My follow up doctor appointment was a bummer yesterday to say the least. It confirmed my suspicion that apparently a doctor can cut you open, not do what he was supposed to, lie about it, and make you foot the bill. Grrrrrrr ...
Well behold the most awesome thing that's happened to me this week:

The quilt is done!!! It's ok if you want to scream and gasp at its beauty. I don't blame you. When we first got it home, I just wanted to sit and stare at it ...the picture doesn't do it justice, but I can't take another one at the moment, but rest assured there will be more pictures of it in all it's glory in the future. Lots more.
It all started as an obsession with the fabric in this particular photo from Bailey's photo shoot with Lacey from A Cherry On Top Photography.

Have you ever been obsessed with something random like that? I don't know why it moved me like it did ... but it did! More to come on the quilt later, but I gotta go get sweet J some oj :)
P.S. While I was involved in the quilt design, I did NOT do the sewing. I left that for a couple experts!
P.P.S. If you thought that I made the quilt myself, you are both crazy and ridiculous! Thanks for thinking that highly of me ... but, nope ;)
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