Snapped a few pictures from the Consignor pre-sale (I consigned - along with 1500 other people - so got to get in early). Trying to show Dominic a glimpse of the magnitude of stuff ... and why I was gone for 4 hours on Saturday :)
This is probably 1/5 of the toy area. Table stacked full of stuff with more things underneath.

Racks - double racks - of clothes. This wasn't even the whole rack and there are around 20 of them. See all those toys on the floor. They lined that entire row of clothes.

This is the bathtub table ... unreal, huh?

They have 2 sales a year in Tulsa, spring and fall. I try to do J's bday shopping at the spring one and Christmas and now B's bday shopping at the fall one. Came home with lots of good loot from the sale and now I just have to stash it in a closet until Christmas!!!
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