Her new mobility has caused J some issue - she now thinks she's after whatever she's playing with! J keeps saying "Noooooo B." Here's a sample of B crawling and J being protective of her tutu.
A few other highlights.
- After a crazy month of July, B has finally settled into a 2 nap routine and sleeping through the night (Most of the time. 51% is most of the time, right? Ha!). She's usually up around 7:30, naps at 10:30 and 3, and down for the night around 8.
- No more pacifier as of mid-August. I now know why parents let their kids keep them for so long ... and I had thought by doing it now, it would be easy! For a couple days I felt like a really mean mom. Taking away sweet B's favorite thing in the whole world. How could I?? It took about a week for things to settle down. She still cries a little when she goes down, but J did that too. My decision was motivated by the fact that it seemed to be disrupting her night time sleep, i.e. she woke up wanting it in the night, but wasn't able to get it in her mouth by herself. Enter tired mom stumbling into her room 3+ times a night ... couldn't do it anymore.
- There was a few days in August that I was CERTAIN B was teething (crying, drooling, chewing on everything), but the girl still hasn't got a tooth!
- Assisted walking. What a back killer. But the girl LOVES it! She's been doing that for the last week or so and is getting faster and faster. She likes to chase J around :)
- B got to go on her first bike ride in our bike trailer this past weekend. Dominic took them around the neighborhood. She had a very serious look on her face the whole time so we aren't sure whether she liked it or not, but J took good care of her :)
- Her biggest smiles of the day are probably when J wakes up in the morning and when Dominic gets home from work. She loves those two :) Clapping, banging 2 toys together, and dancing are favorite activities. TV junkie. I hate to admit that one. We really don't watch a lot, but she loves it when its on.

Linking back to B's newborn session for reminiscing purposes ...
We love you little Bee-Duh-Lee-Dee! Can't imagine life without your sweet smile, chubby thighs, and sticky up mohawk :) In all seriousness, you're the essence of sweetness and perfection all in one!
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