Sweet B, at 11 months old,
You have 4 teeth, 2 on bottom and 2 "fangs" on top. Should have dressed you up as a vampire for Halloween :)

You not only look remarkably like your Daddy, you ADORE him. You are excited when he comes home and prefer to be in his arms until bed time. Typically he carries you around while he and Juliet pretend various things around the house. They pretend they are going to the zoo, the aquarium, etc. You tag along like you totally know what's going on. You probably do.

You love to eat meat, cheese, and fruit (and bottles ... still drinking 4 bottles a day). Veggies have a good chance of ending up on the floor :)

You love Italian food ... and go straight to the tub after eating it.

You normally wake between 7 and 7:30am, take one nap around noon, and go to bed around 7:30pm. I think your teeth have been getting you up during the night about once a week ... maybe you just like my company :)
You love the water. I didn't think it was possible to like bath time more than your sister, but you do! She just used to lay "chill" and content in the bath, you do not sit still for one second. You flap your arms and bounce with excitement. We all get soaked and the bathroom is a wet mess. You always try to drink water out of the spout as the tub fills up, and then you cycle through the following (with my arms holding you) for the rest of the time: you throw yourself back so I can lay you down in the water, you splash and kick like a crazy baby, you roll yourself over to your tummy, try to drink the water, and then I sit you up so we can start over again. Insane I tell you :)

You love to make silly faces at the camera :)

You have a naughty obsession with nightlights, cords, and outlets. You always peek around and give me a grin before doing what you know you shouldn't be doing.

You say mama and dada, love to sing "aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh" when we sing, and make a few animal sounds - elephant & monkey. You love to clap along with Mr. Knickerbocker, If You're Happy and You Know It, etc and like to read books. A few favorites include Brown Bear, Brown Bear, Baby Faces, and all the touch & feel books.
Your and your BFF sister play hard all day long. You usually wake up earlier than she does and I can just tell you are waiting for her to wake up as your face brightens when she FINALLY wakes up. You are getting more and more frustrated that you can't keep up with her and I know you will be one happy girl when you can chase her and give her a wet slobbery kiss without Daddy's help.

You are an amazing team, sweeter than sugar, and cuter than anything I have ever seen :)

I love you big girl :)
Such beautiful girls!