Anyways, I met up with the lady today to buy it and when she pulled it out of her car for me to look at it I was surprised to see that it was POLYESTER. Ewwwww was my immediate reaction, but I just couldn't not buy it. It's like the problem some people have with animals. They just can't resist. This is me in the QT parking lot with this quilt.
The whole way home I was glancing over at it in the passenger seat thinking "Why did I just buy a polyester quilt?" ... "OMG. I can't even believe that they made a polyester fabric that atrocious" ... "Dominic is going to die." ...
My worries disappeared when I spread it out on the playroom floor.

The colors are bright and fun. It's soft. Juliet and I discussed "which one you like Mommy?" for about 10 minutes.

Our new blanket found its home :)

Happy Friday everyone!
I do love all those colors! Making quilts are way more effort than I have in me right now!