Back to B. She's one. And a little girl - not a baby. Maybe it's the fact that she's been sick and therefore acting more baby-ish than normal or maybe it's just all happened faster than a mommy who's really trying to savor every last moment of babyhood can fathom, but I think it may be over people. My baby is missing.
Evidence from today. Here is a little girl we call Beetle sitting in her beanbag this morning watching Sesame Street, eating puffs, and drinking her milk from a cup. She looks a lot like a baby that used to (like yesterday!) lay in my arms and drink her bottle sleepily as the sun came up.

This little girl also pointed to one of the big red balls outside Target and said "ball," didn't have a bottle today (And ate an unreal amount of food. I think she ate from 4:30 to 5:30 straight. Not kidding.), and did a few other little girl things like having a drink out of Mommy's glass (she thought she was really cool when she did this!), and chewed on a apple (peeled) like her big sister does.
These are things little girls do. Not my baby.
I am excited - really really excited - for what this next year has in store for my little girl. It's a fun transition. And kind of crazy ... I mean, how do they just grow up overnight like that??
Love you sweet little girl.
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