So, some distracted thoughts from my day.
My camera is getting cleaned and I miss it. For now, iPhone photos will have to do.
This one likes big girl stuff. She doesn't want me to cut stuff up, she wants a fork and a spoon so she can do it by herself. Why do they want to grow up so fast?
I put some yogurt in a bowl knowing it would be a complete happy mess for her because I am awesome like that ... sometimes :)
Foods the girls are currently loving - flavor BLASTED Extra Cheddar Goldfish, cream cheese (J asks for it plain on a plate), mango (dried and fresh), and mini pepperonis ... because the mini ones are healthier than the regular ones because they are SMALLER ... obvoiusly :)
What sounds nice. Syncing our sleep schedules ... Ahhhhh ...
Last night we went to Home Depot and they had a cart that totally topped this one.
The side of it looked like a race car. It was AMAZING! We are going back there all the time just to drive around the store! Dominic took the girls down the lighting isle while I was attempting to determine the absolute best shade of pink spray paint for a little project I have going on and he said their conversation went something like this:
Beetle: oooOOOoo! (This is her new favorite word when she sees something she finds extra special.)
Juliet: Beetle says oooOOOoo!
Because it is the responsibility of a big sister to inform everyone of what the little sister is doing at all times.
Playing in Beetle's crib today.

Apparently Beetle can get the marker caps off by herself now. Not sure if she colored on Juliet or if Juliet did that on her own.
Told you I was distracted!
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