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20 January 2011

on my foot again

It's stiff and sore, but I am walking on my foot again!


I don't really miss my scooter, but I do kind of miss having diapers, wipes, and my phone conveniently at arms length in my handy basket ...


Oh well. Will have to look into a new solution. Fanny pack, perhaps?!?!

I got to play in the snow with the girls today! No scooter holding me captive inside anymore :)

I can almost feel my pace of life quickening with my footsteps. Which I am thankful for, but I really do mean it when I say that I kind of enjoyed the forced slowness of the last 6 weeks! I will be searching for some sort of balance in the days and weeks to come.

For now, I am trying to remember what was on my to-do list from 6 weeks ago! Where to begin ...


  1. yay!!!! glad you're on your foot again! :)

  2. Me too! Still a little sore but so much better than having to scoot around all day :)
