Sometimes I write blog posts about my children and leave stuff out. Sometimes it's the very things that I sat down to blog about that I forget to mention!!!
So, here's that stuff I forgot last night.
Beetles favorite word - NO. Juliet said yes (pronounced sssssss) long before she said no, but little Beetle caught on to the nonononono real quick :) She also says yes sometimes, but not nearly as often as I'd like! Here's a "no" with a hair grab on the way.

Beetles favorite animal/animal sound - monkey.
Beetle loves to dance. She'll bounce if she's standing near something or just sit and bounce her legs around. It's nice because Juliet sings all day long to herself so Beetle has constant music for dancing. She definitely likes some songs better than others and it's cute to see what songs make her face light up and her little arms start clapping :)

Despite the fact that I've been totally convinced Beetle's teeth will be here any day at least 5 times, the girl still has 6 teeth - 4 on top and 2 on bottom.
And I know it probably doesn't look like it, but the girl is thinning out! Her inner thigh rolls are nearly gone (tear) and shirts are fitting her more loosely than they were even a month ago. It's those fun but kind of sad baby to toddler changes that just make you want to kiss her cheeks and pinch her rolls even more cause you know they may be gone soon :)

And now for big sis.

She has always been very independent. Here are two of many examples. She likes to dress herself - pick it out and put it on WITHOUT me helping her. If I even touch her to try to help her get her arm through the sleeve, the ENTIRE shirt must be removed and she picks out a new shirt! In the morning, sometimes she has trouble getting the door knob to turn, but if Dominic or I open the door, she slams it shut! The door must be opened by HER :)
Juliet is still potty training. Kind of. It's been an up and down sort of thing for a while now, but she just doesn't seem motivated to REALLY do it and I'm not pushing her. She'll get there. When she's ready I am confident that it will be a no turning back sort of thing.
It's below freezing outside, but Juliet doesn't seem to mind. I sent her back to grab a shirt or pants to put on and this is how she returned to the playroom.

I asked why she put on boots and not a shirt. "I don't know Mommy" was her response.

ok then.
She still loves to read and has even started reading us stories. She'll grab a book, take it across the room, make sure we're listening, and then start. "Once upon a time ... there was a penguin ... they went to the park ... eee gend (aka "the end"). " Stories have nothing to do with the actual book she's holding and can be told over and over again. As long as you'll listen :)
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