happy birthday to you
happy birthday dear daddy
happy birthday to you
I didn't get a cake made today. Nor did I get his birthday dinner made. He asked for 3 way chili and got ham. I will use the excuse that his birthday PARTY is Saturday and that is when I will make up for all that was lacking today. We did make this happy banner though.

In all its construction paper, marker, and glue glory, I think I might have redeemed myself a little.

Juliet it UBER proud of our creation too, so that's a bonus.
I ran to Sonic at 6:45 cause we needed ice cream right before bed. We didn't have cake remember?

In a book I'm reading the author talks about trying to put ourselves in a posture to accept the gifts that God is giving us, even if it's not what we'd planned. I might have wanted a different meal and a beautiful homemade cake, but God gave cold sticky Sonic ice cream.

And it was good.
The day my Love became a Daddy.

And today.

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