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25 February 2011

i cancelled the cleaning ladies.

I've moved on to bookshelf #2 with my white paintbrush. I'm learning. Taking one step forward, two steps back. I tried to skip priming bookshelf #2, this was a bad call. Kind of like when I try to assemble things without reading the instructions first. But, it's fun and I am really really happy with the big ol' bookshelf in the play room. It's full of books and games. In our 5.5 years in this house, it was stained for 4.5, blue for one, and now white.

I like it white :)

In other non-related news. I canceled the cleaning ladies. About 1.5 months ago. It's been ... an adjustment. They started coming here every other week last May. Corinne was about 5 months old and I'm not sure the toilets had been cleaned more than once since she'd been born. I needed help. Bad. And they were a wonderful blessing. For a brief moment every two weeks, we'd come home to a clean house. Like everything was clean AT THE SAME TIME. But it's time for me to take it back on - clean my own toilets, dust my own dresser, mop my own floors. It's good. Last night, Dominic bathed the girls with Charlie at his side cause he's a Daddy's boy that way while I cleaned the vanity. All of us in the bathroom together.

Funny how the way we do things changes as things in our lives change. Also funny how as time goes on, we forget how we used to do things that seemed so normal at the time. Some things about our life before kids are just a blur now. The way we do things now just seems normal. Or maybe I should say it FINALLY seems normal. I feel like we've hit some type of family rhythm or something. Not struggling as much to figure out how we can go grocery shopping, nap sleepy babies, change dirty diapers, cook dinner, and all the other stuff that seemed so hard at first. Like cleaning my own toilets. I couldn't do it last year. Honestly, I couldn't get it done.

But now I can.

And for the record Dominic said he likes the new cleaning lady.

"You clean better than they did."

He's a smart guy that one :)

And since I only got one of them cleaned last night I guess I should go clean the other one now. Both girls napping. Gotta make good use of my time :)

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