Pretty, eh?

I had been having allergy issues. My dermatographism was acing up and over the month of March I'd changed my medications 4 different times but wasn't having any luck getting things under control. Long story short, my back was itchy and looked like a cat had attacked it. For a month.
So, I had my 18th call into the allergist for help and in my conversation with the nurse around 11:30 she mentioned that perhaps the Doc would need to put me on a steroid to get things under control. Sure. That would make sense.
As I got the girls lunch ready, my thoughts went something like this ...
My period is a few days late ... surely I can't be pregnant ... I don't think a steriod would be a safe med IF I was pregnant ... but surely I'm not ... do I have a leftover test in the bathroom ... hmmmm ...
I put the girls down around 1. My curiosity was peaked, having had the "could I possibly be pregnant?" question swirling around in my brain for over an hour.
The test read positive really fast. And the moment I saw it, I just knew it was true. No need for a confirmation test. I could just feel God confirming it ... Happy April Fool's Day.
And I laughed.
Seemed the only appropriate response.
I'm the girl who is supposed to have trouble getting pregnant, not the girl who gets pregnant by surprise!
God is so good.
I didn't call Dominic at work to tell him. I thought that it would be the perfect day to think of a really fun way to tell him - being April Fools Day and all - but between the diaper changing and child chasing all afternoon nothing ever materialized.
He got home from work. We ate dinner. We played outside. Put the girls down.
The regular.
You'd think I would have been bursting at the seams to tell him, but even after the girls went down I was just at a loss for words. I mean, it's sort of big life altering news to just drop on someone who isn't expecting it AT ALL.
I just hugged him and laughed when I told him. We were in the laundry room.
"Really?" he said.
Then he laughed to.
Seemed the only appropriate response :)
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