So, while we haven't really made any fun crafts lately, we have done a few fun and messy activities. All I can say is thank goodness for all the creative inspiration out there in blog land!
Gloop. First inspired by a different slime post here, but found the recipe for the one we did here.
Only a few pictures of this cause my hands were covered in the glue/liquid starch mixture for the better part of the experiment! For whatever reason, our gloop was very sticky so I had to keep adding liquid starch until it stuck together better.
After adding some food coloring.
J LOVED this experiment and called it our "Glue Project".
Play-dough Art. Our play-dough was nearly dried out so we decided to put it to good use one last time with some glitter and sequins. The girl loves her glitter and any excuse to dump it on something is right up her alley!
Mud Pies. Thanks to a ton of rain and a sandbox that doesn't drain so well.

Both girls thought this was the most fun they'd ever had in the sandbox, but I think Beetle might have stayed in there until bedtime if I'd let her!
Messy messy girl. Got sprayed down with the hose after this!
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