So every photo I took over the past week was pumpkin related. Most had a pumpkin in the picture. Except for this one. Me at 34 weeks.
And it's of me with our soon to be little punkin' so I guess I could throw it into the pumpkin category as well!
Tons of pumpkin pictures from the past week at Flickr, but here are the highlights.

On our trip to the pumpkin patch this past Saturday, Corinne was in a picture taking mood while Juliet was not. So I got a ton of pictures of Corinne. She'd pose, say cheese, and then ask to see the picture. Over and over again. Such a ham!
I also learned that the only thing I needed to do to get my girls to climb on the pumpkins was bring a friend! We met Zoey and her family at the pumpkin patch and because Zoey thought it was awesome to climb all over the pumpkins (she's 4 and totally knows what is awesome), Juliet did too.
We got a pumpkin to carve into a "Jack-o-lan-tren" as Juliet calls them. It's funny, I didn't notice Corrine's concern/disgust for the pumpkin guts as I took the pictures, but you can totally see that she was not so sure about the project!
Even though you can't really see it, I love Juliet's face here. It's so her.
Inspired by these adorable painted pumpkins, I decided that I'd let the girls paint our pumpkin. Corinne hasn't had a ton of exposure to painting (since it's usually something we do while she naps) and she LOVES it. Oh, and we don't find it necessary to wear clothes outside until it's below 80 degrees ... just in case you were wondering ;)
On the first day we painted with orange and white paint.
And on day two we added some blue paint.
This girl is looking so old I can hardly stand it.
Cheesing for me again.
She's definitely the easier subject of the two.
And some randomness to top off a hump day post that's actually on time!
Third trimester woes have increased a bit. Sleep is kind of a joke for me these days and babies sure can make life uncomfortable for a mama ... but we just keep plugging along. I think my favorite thing about pregnancy is the potential. The unknown anticipation of EVERYTHING - from gender, to birth date, to looks, to likes, dislikes, etc, etc ... I find myself wondering and daydreaming about just about everything! There's just something crazy special about carrying around a big belly of potential :)
And one more random tidbit before I head to bed.
Dominic and the girls usually play outside till dark these days while I stay in doing the dishes and picking up around the house. Every night they have the same conversation. Juliet will point out that it is dusk outside. Then Corinne will try her best to repeat the word, but it currently comes out "ducks". Juliet tries to correct, informs everyone listening that "Beetles says 'ducks' instead of 'dusk'. That's silly." Tonight Beetles threw in a "It's ducks. Quack! Quack!" Silly girls :)
Note: Nugget format inspired by the very inspiring Nici over at Dig this Chick.
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