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13 March 2009

nine months old

Happy Friday the 13th Everyone! Yep. It's been 3/4 of a year since little J made her appearance and changed our lives forever - for the better I might add! Here are the month's highlights:

  • Tooth #2 made it's appearance on Valentine's Day. Bottom right.
  • J started crawling this month! She's been slowly mastering it for at least a month now, but she finally put all the pieces together on 26 February. She'd rather be walking with help, but she can now track you down if she needs to!
  • J woke up on March 6th and decided to start babbling like crazy and hasn't stopped since. Turns out, she has a lot to say! In addition to lots of other nonsense, we've heard ba-ba and ma-ma, and da-da very very softly.
  • J LOVES to be outside. I think she'd sit in the grass all day if I'd let her. The weather has been nice here, so we've spent at least an hour outside during the day and she still acts like that's not enough! We just sit and examine the grass, leaves, and sticks. It never gets old - or at least it hasn't yet! We've made lots of trips to the park to swing and to slide, though the slide isn't a huge hit yet.
  • J still enjoys reading. Her recent favorites are the touch and feel books and the flap books. We took our first trip to the library to get a new batch of books to read because I'm getting tired of our selection. They have a fun story time for little ones. She enjoyed watching the other kids more than the lady telling the story, but we had a good time.
  • J's eyes still haven't changed to a single color - they are greyish blue on the outside and hazel toward the middle. I've been trying to get a good picture of them, but they always just look gray in pictures.
  • My blue eyed, blond haired baby. People have started asking where she got her blond hair from!! Her daddy ... along with everything else ;) I'm soooo close to being able to tuck the front part of her hair behind her ear. This will be a very exciting day!
  • J can sit up from an all fours position and pull up to a standing position if the conditions are just right. Charlie is great for this and so are mom and dad!
  • J continues to be a good eater. Favorite new foods this month include mandarin oranges, graham crackers, macaroni and cheese, and lasagna. I wish tomato sauce wouldn't stain any and everything it touches. Infuriating.
  • One of my favorite times of the day is when Dominic gets home from work. Charlie, Juliet and I meet him and the garage door and as soon as he steps out of his truck, J starts flapping her arms and kicking her legs in excitement. So stinkin cute :)
  • Bath time continues to be a hit. Her new thing is to kick her legs and giggle when I say "kick, kick, kick!!!" She thinks it's hilarious :) I guess that's the ex-swim teacher in me coming out.
I took a TON of pictures this month. I guess I was trying to make up for slacking off last month :)

Nine Months Old

1 comment:

  1. sweet sweet baby! We should meet up at the park sometime for a photo shoot!
