DaDa is the best word ever in Juliet's 11 month world. The excitement and energy she has when she says this word is simply darling. At 11.5 months, she's mostly content with her one word vocabulary and her finger to point at everything else she needs :)
She has recently added a few words to her vocabulary, though hearing her say them is hit and miss. Remember her mobile? Well, the car and fish pictures prompted words 2 and 3. Fish sounds like "ish" and car sounds like "tar."
Sunday night Dominic and Juliet were reading and Dominic pointed to a zebra on the page and said "A zebra says Zeeeee"! To which Juliet echoed "ZZZZZZ"! I tried to get this on camera, but she was then too obsessed with staring at me and the camera to perform her new trick.
And in case you were wondering about the "Zeeee" noises zebras make around our house you can thank my sweet husband for making sure all animals have a noise associated with them. You should hear his rendition of Old McDonald - yesterdays version included antelopes, centipedes, and lots of other nonsense :)
Other exciting developmental milestones lately include mastering "so big," "high five" (thanks to Aunt Di), and recognizing and pointing out lots of new things in books (Elmo, balloon, ball, dog, etc.). She's started to take a few wobbly steps on her own as well which is exciting and crazy to watch! I can't believe she'll be one in just a few weeks!
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