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23 June 2009

one year old

ok, ok. I'm still here. Apparently the combination of everything going on right now means no time for blogging - even after my attempt to catch up! Here's what J was up to the final month of her first year :)
  • Juliet went for her first swim this month! She loved it. The water was a bit chilly for the big kids, but she didn't mind at all and loved splashing in the water and floating around on a little inflatable toy. She also liked sucking the water out of the little pool ball which was ... interesting. She does this in the bath with a washcloth sometimes, but mom wasn't so fond of her drinking all the pool chemicals.
  • Since the pool, we've also played in a couple of sprinklers which has been fun. She likes being outside while Dominic is watering and will get both of us soaked if I let her. Our most notable sprinkler episode was at my sisters' dance recital. First of all, she loved the dance recital, but her rather noisy enthusiasm was not appreciated by those sitting around us. We'd tried the balcony, but that wasn't any fun to her so I'd sent Dominic outside with her so I could try to watch a few of the dances. I got a text 10 minutes later that it was "time to go" and came out to see Juliet crying in daddy's arms. She was ready to go home ... but not before we played in the sprinkler! Next year we're going to go to dress rehearsal so we can make as much noise as we want!
  • TALKING: Juliet's vocabulary continues to grow on an almost daily basis. Her one word vocabulary has grown to 10 words already! It's amazing to witness ... for months, I've felt like I've been talking to myself and now she actually talks back! Here's what she's saying: Ball, pronounced "ba" on June 2nd. I'd say this is her 2nd official word (after dada). She also says hi, pronounced "ha" (like a southern belle) and dog, pronouced without the "g" on the end. Oh yeah, did I mention she finally decided to say "mama"? Right after dog ... so I know where I fall in her line of favorites (after Dad and Charlie!). Others words include "Pa" for grandpa, "Eh" for Elmo, "HehHehHeh" (like a panting sound) for Hunter (my family's dog), "Zzzzzz" for Zebra, bye bye, cheese, car, and fish (she's saying these more consistently now). There's probably more words that we just haven't caught onto yet!
  • WALKING: She's taking lots of good steps, just doesn't have the balance down quite yet to go any real distance. I'd say 4ft is about the farthest she's made it. It's definitely not a fear issue. She's as brave as can be and doesn't mind toppling over!
  • PLAYING: Juliet is a monkey. She climbs on everything. We need a jungle gym or something, because that's all she wants to do! She climbs on Charlie, she tries to climb out of her high chair, into the bathtub, on the fireplace. She's on the move and sure to get into trouble when she gets a little bigger :)
  • READING: Juliet still loves to read. We read 20-30 books a day, though sometimes it's the same book (or 2) over and over again. I think it's interesting how kids like certain books and don't like others. Right now, she's really into Goodnight Gorilla. I'm always excited when Dominic comes home and can read to her for a little while - especially if I've read the same book over and over again all day!
  • ELMO: She's obsessed. I don't know why - we don't even watch Sesame Street (she's usually asleep and we don't have DVR. Gasp. I know.) It all started with the gigantic stuffed Elmo we got at Incredible Pizza, but now we have a few books, a smaller stuffed Elmo, and a shirt and she loves them all! My mom got her an Elmo video for her birthday and we now watch it daily. Thankfully it's only 30 minutes long!
I feel like more happened this month, but I apparently didn't do a good job of documenting it! Enjoy the pictures :)

One Year Old

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