Happy 15 months sweet Juliet! Oh how we love spending our days with you as a part of our family. You bring such a joy and happiness to our hearts. From when you wake up in the morning till you lay your sleepy head down at night you are pure delight to your daddy and me. You are beautiful and smart, gentle and kind, silly and independent - all the makings of an amazing young woman. We are humbled and honored to be your mom and dad and love experiencing each new day by your side.
These days, you are very busy - playing with Charlie, looking at books, climbing in and out of your wagon, emptying drawers around the house, coloring, etc. You learn new words each day. Recently, when mom told you not to touch the lamp because "it's breakable," you responded by attempting to say "breakable" and pointing at the lamp. You now inform mommy that the lamp is breakable quite often! You know your name, and even try to say it - it doesn't sound like Juliet yet, more like "Jjjjjjjjj" :) If we ask "who is Juliet?," you proudly point to yourself and say me (sounds like "ma, ma"). You love your family, and ask me all day where everyone is. You are mostly interested in the whereabouts of Daddy, Grandpa, and Deb. At night, I have to tell you that EVERYONE is asleep one by one - Daddy, Charlie, Grandpa, Grandma, .... Deb, Hunter (my family's dog).
You are a great eater. We are often surprised at the foods you like. You eat veggies by the handful and LOVE meat. I don't think you have a favorite food, but there isn't much that you won't eat. You have a recent obsession with yogurt covered raisins and call them "cookies." Everything that is sweet and delicious you call a cookie! You are definitely a left handed eater - so we'll see if you end up being a left hander! You have also grown into a great sleeper. You are spoiling mommy by sleeping 10.5-11.5 hours a night and taking a good nap during the day. You usually put yourself to bed like a champ - cuddling with your blanket, Elmo, and various other stuffed animals (just depends on the day).
You have mastered your Elmo shape toy, love to build towers with the Megablocks, and can identify all kinds of things in the books we read to you. You love to bring books to us and sit on our laps and listen to stories. We sing lots of songs during the day and when we see certain pictures in books. You've gotten to where you want to sing specific songs whenever you see a certain picture. For example, when we see a duck, mommy typically breaks into "Rubber Duckie, you're the one ..." One day recently, when daddy was reading you a book you were getting frustrated, trying to tell him something and he couldn't figure out what it was. Mommy came over and identified the problem -- he was on the farm page and wasn't singing Old McDonald!!! As soon as we started singing, you smilied and swayed your arms to the beat (dancing).
At only 15 months, you are a dog trainer extrodinaire! You like to repeat daddy's commands to Charlie like down, back, and come. You also finally have a name for your brother - "Chee" - and often say it very high pitched because you know it makes us laugh. Your favorite part of the day is after dinner when we go on a walk around the neighborhood. You've started to anticipate this time and usually know that once you get down from your high chair it's time for a walk. You start dancing around saying walk (pronounced like "k, k") and have been known to bring mom and dad their shoes if they aren't getting ready fast enough :)
There are so many sweet things you do that make you special. You love to snuggle and kiss your stuffed animals and share your drink and snacks with them. You just started saying "Amen" when we pray at dinnertime. You love to wake your daddy up on the weekends even though mom tries to let him sleep in a little. One morning she didn't pull the door closed all the way and you managed to push it open and wake him up yourself! In addition to our evening walks, you also look forward to daddy coming home after work and we always have a little celebration when he finally arrives.
One thing daddy wants you to know is that you are a "mommy's girl." You've always loved your mommy, but in the last month or so, you've started to be a little more paranoid about mommy leaving you. Whenever anyone comes over, you point to me and say "mama." I don't know if you are informing them of this fact or asking me if I'm staying around or what?! It will definitely be an adjustment for you and for me when your new brother or sister arrives. We are confident you will be a great big sister!
I love you,
P.S. Here is a picture of you one year ago today. You have grown up so much!
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