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21 October 2009

16 months ... one week ... and a few days

Wow. It's been crazy here ... and fixing to get even crazier! And I'm not even talking about the birth of baby Schulte #2, but I'll write about the insanity I'm referring to later and for now focus our big girl and what she's been up to the last month or so.
  • J got her first pair of real shoes. She outgrew her last pair of Robeez (ok Target imitation Robeez) and after letting her run around barefoot for a few weeks I finally broke down and got her some new kicks. We tried on what seemed like a million pairs before we found some she wouldn't stumble around in and I spent more than I would have liked, but did I mention the girl didn't have any shoes for at least 2 weeks while I was trying to find some she could walk in?!? I was getting desperate :) Since then, I found some sweet Nike tennis shoes that she can also walk in so she seems to have the hang of walking around in shoes with an actual sole.
  • All 4 one year old molars are in! Crazy to see big ol teeth back there when she opens her mouth. The first one broke through on Sept 11 and the other 3 followed in the next couple weeks (all before she turned 16 months).
  • J saw her first real live horses this month - 4 different times! Mom and J stopped at a local pumpkin patch that has pony rides and just looked at the horses (I knew we'd be in trouble if we rode them without daddy there), then we went to the Tulsa State Fair and got to see horses and lots of other animals J had only previously seen in pictures, and in the last couple weeks we've gone to 2 different pumpkin patches. When the Schultes were in town a few weekends ago, J got to ride one of the horses - she was so happy and not afraid at all - she would wave every time she circled around by us! Our most recent trip to the pumpkin patch she didn't ride the horses, but did get to feed goats and see a real live camel! I am loving fall and all the fun free activities for kiddos!
  • J loves to play with Charlie, read books, dance and listen to music, and create piles all over the house. This is probably her all time favorite activity. She will pile a bunch of things somewhere (usually by Charlie) and then move it - either because Charlie moved or just because ... we don't really know! She also likes to empty my diaper bag, feed her baby a bottle, play with blocks, and do anything outside.
  • Growing up quick. I hemmed 4 different pairs of pants that were size 18 month right when J turned 15 months. They were just too long, but I knew if I bought 12 month, she'd outgrow them. I figured I'd just let the hem out in a few months when she'd grown ... well, I've already let the hem out on all four pairs of pants so apparently she had a big growth spurt this month!
  • "Ba." Around here this word has a growing number of meanings - blanket, bag (typically my diaper bag), Barney, Baby Bop, ball, bottle, Bert, etc. There's a few other words like this that I sometimes have a hard time with ... it's kind of a funny scene though because J just keeps repeating herself (as though she's saying the precise word she has in mind loud and clear) and I cycle through the list of possibilities until we figure out exactly what she means!
A few stories from the month:
  • It's been a pumpkin filled month. We've been to the pumpkin patch a lot and even other errands we run often turn into a pseudo pumpkin patch event. The grocery store has pumpkins, Home Depot has pumpkins, etc. When we loaded up to go to the pumpkin patch this past Sunday, I told J that's where we were going, and she responded by making the sound for horse since we've seen horses during our previous pumpkin patch trips!
  • Dominic brought home a TU flag from one of the TU football games and sang the fight song with J, marching around the living room waving the flag. Well, this has proved to be the most amazing thing ever to J and she now points to the computer (we've since downloaded the mp3) and says "ba, ba, ba". I wish I was exaggerating when I say that we've been listening to the song sometimes as much as 20 times in one day! I'll try to get video of this soon ...
  • J has a special relationship with her uncle David and soon to be uncle Jeff. She's super bashful with them, but almost in a sweet flirting kind of way! She likes to keep her distance (admiration from afar), but they get lots of smiles.
Pictures from September and October:
September and October 2009

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Lots going on! She is just too cute! :) Glad all is going well.
