Here's the latest on the big 'ol belly:
- I don't remember J being this squirmy. I remember movement for sure, but it feels like this kiddo is doing flips all the time! A simple punch or kick just won't suffice :)
- I'm feeling pretty good overall, though have had the hip aches during the night this week. Any good solutions for this? Doesn't help that the baby prefers that I lay on my left side exclusively and goes crazy when I try to lay on my right side (J did this too).
- I guess a belly shot would confirm this, but I don't think I'm as big as I was with J. Weight gain is pretty much the same though!
- No we don't want to know what we're having! I know this is really hard for people to accept, but we just don't. Besides we have a pretty good idea what it is ... but we aren't going to tell you! It's funny, with J, I had a good idea we were having a girl, and asked Dominic (before telling him what I thought) and he thought the same thing. And we were right. Now, maybe we are a little over confident with our 100% prediction success rate, BUT lets just say that I asked him what he thought this time (before telling him what I thought) and our predictions were the same again. So, I guess we'll see. I'm still brainstorming boy and girl names and going to take a boy and girl outfit to the hospital!

I asked the doctor when the baby was going to come - early? late? on time? He laughed at me. I told him that he had predicted J would come early. He said that he had no idea and that he was "just being nice" to me last time since I was a first time mom and that I should know better than to think he could actually tell me that information. Ha! So true. While he was right last time about J being early, he had never indicated that she'd be that early (3 weeks). I saw him 12 hours before my water broke and he said he'd see me in a week. So, I don't know why I want some type of prediction this time around ...
Just in case our home remodeling sends me into labor early, I thought I'd go ahead and start an online baby pool like we did for J. Here's the link:

Happy Guessing!
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