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21 November 2009

32 weeker

32 weeker - that's hospital speak for me and the baby. I'm working on my hospital lingo and preemie knowledge because as the last 18 hours have unfolded, it looks like I'm going to need a good understanding of both.

Last night - and yesterday for that matter - were pretty typical days. Nothing out of the ordinary baby wise. I got up to go to the bathroom at 1:30 am - as usual - and thought to myself that one of these times I'd wake up to my water breaking like it did with J. I reassured myself that I'd be much more calm this time around and went back to bed ... only to wake up to that very thing less than 2 hours later! Water broke at 3:15 am. I was calm. Mostly just upset because I know how early this is and liked giving birth to a healthy full term baby last time around. Woke Dominic up, called the doctor on call just to make sure I really HAD to go to the hospital. Ummmm yes you do ... ok fine ... packed a bag, waited for mom to come stay with J and loaded up in the car. Got here around 4:15. Definite rupture, having contractions. I was under the assumption we'd be having a baby, but was informed that since I am only 32 wks 3 days they don't want me to have the baby yet. Got a shot of steriods for the baby's lung's and a shot of something to stop the contractions. Had no idea they even had such a thing! Shot worked and contractions subsided. Having some small ones now, but they've been non existent since about 7am.

The nurse told me that I'd be spending the holidays here. I wasn't very happy to hear that. My 48 hour stay in the hospital was plenty long enough with J thank you very much!!!! But we'll stay as long as it takes ... I'm crying off and on about what that means for us as a family and the day in day out ... but God is in control and we'll just hang in there.

Talked to the doctor on call and he said that I will stay here until one of 3 things happen:
  • There is sign of infection. Now that I am ruptured, there is no barrier of protection from infection for the baby so the risk of infection is high.
  • The baby shows signs of distress or I go into labor. He said they will not stop my labor again. They figure that if my body is trying to get the baby out that there is probably a reason.
  • The baby reaches a certain gestational age. He said this varies from doctor to doctor (what they think is best), but that he would say that I would likely be induced between 34 and 35 weeks assuming neither of the first 2 things happen first.
My doctor was at the OU game today so I won't see him until Monday so if we make it till then I guess I'll have a more official plan. As much of a plan as we seem to be able to have at the moment.

I think I'm going to try to get some sleep now. Hopefully with some success!


  1. Oh Dawn, I hope you can keep that baby cooking. We'll be praying for all of you.

  2. Oh, Dawn, I'm so sorry. They are going to take great care of you and your baby. Although this isn't best case cenario, preemies are very common and they know what to do. We'll pray for you and the baby. Remember God is in control of everything...even this. You can only do your part and we can do our part in praying for you. Please keep us updated. Love, Brooke

  3. Sending prayers your way! Hoping all goes well! :)
