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02 January 2010

eighteen (and a half) months old

On the 13th of December, sweet Juliet turned 18 months old. But, I'm late in getting this update on the blog so I'm going to go ahead and include some tidbits and pictures from the last couple weeks as well. Here's what our sweet first born is up to these days:

  • Other than a short weekend trip mom took this past summer (totaling about 40 hrs away), J had never gone any significant length of time without her mommy ... until this month. J handled mom's 9 day stay in the hospital wonderfully, arguably better than her mom did :) With an amazing dad, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other family to help out, she was well taken care of and loved on.
  • All canine teeth are in. Bottom ones were in by the time she turned 17 months and top came in by 18 months. Enjoying a little teething break for now!
  • J started to talk more in conversation form this month, now responding to questions like "how was your nap" or "lets do this or that after we change your diaper" with one word responses like "good" or "k"
  • PLEASE! (said in a very high pitch) This word became part of J's vocabulary when I was in the hospital and when she says it you really can't deny her whatever she's asking for because it's just too darn cute :) She can pronounce more and more words clearly.
  • Another vocab/speech related milestone - speaking in sentences! 2 word sentences anyways, but it is amazing to see the progression. She loves to sit on the ground, pat the floor next to her, and say"dada, sit" ... usually followed by "mama, sit" ... and then "cheee" (wants Charlie to join us!)
  • J is starting to show interest in letters, often pointing to words in books or her ABC magnets on the fridge and saying different letter sounds. A and B are favorites though I don't think she has them down quite yet ... but the sounds are fun to make!
  • It's crazy when your kid all of a sudden knows something that you weren't intentionally teaching them. Sure, we have tons of books about colors, but I guess I never felt like I was trying to teach J her colors. We painted J's new room blue and when I was in the hospital, everyone told me that she loved that room and would go in there and point to the walls and say "bu (blue)". Well, to date, J can regularly identify - blue, red, green, pink, orange, and purple.
  • J likes to count ... well she knows one and two and then says a bunch of nonsense after that! She likes to count her fingers and anything that involves 1,2,3.
  • J is always up for a family hug. If she ever sees Dominic and I hugging, she immediately wants to partake and usually feels that Charlie needs to join us too!
  • We now have to pray at least 4 times during dinner because it is so much fun to hold hands and say "Amen"!
  • J is still talking about our trip to the pumpkin patch to ride the horses. We had taken some video of the horse riding, but the video camera broke. This doesn't stop her from reminding us of the video every time she sees the camera!
  • J found her shadow a few nights ago as we were rocking in her bedroom before I put her to bed. We now have to wave and play in the shadow EVERY night before going to bed.
  • J is still really into reading books. She's even started reading books to herself. She'll sit by the bookshelf in the new playroom and pull books off the shelf, plop them in her lap, and read them. She's also a big fan of working puzzles, playing with her stuffed animals, and lately has been really into stickers. 2 stickers kept her occupied for nearly 45 minutes one day! She stuck them on everything (including Charlie) until they wouldn't stick anymore!
  • Our little climber is getting bigger and thus better and climbing ... or maybe there's just more stuff she can get to! J can climb up on most chairs and couches in our house without help as well has her booster seat. One day I was feeding Corinne in the front room and J was telling me "cookie" from the other room. I kept telling her that I would get her a cookie once I was finished, but her intensity kept getting more and more ... she really wanted a cookie! I finally got up to see what was going on and she was sitting in her booster seat at the table - she was ready to eat :)
  • Becoming a big sister was the biggest thing that happened in J's 17th month! She is super sweet with her sis ... I am working on a post about this :)
Here's some pictures of J over the last few months:
Eighteen Months Old

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