Since Juliet was born, I've always kind of loathed the nights Dominic has to water the yard. The help he gives me in the evenings is such a needed relief and I hate anything that takes his attention away from the girls and I. Yes, even if he's just in the yard. Yes, I am selfish :)
But I haven't minded the necessary yard watering this year one bit.

Something about letting my children run around in their underwear just makes the whole hour long watering process more ok.
They are so wonderfully energetic and fun at their current ages (roughly 1.5 and 3). Not that it hasn't been fun until now, but there is something different and special about this phase. The curiosity, the joy, the growing independence, the laughter, the love. It is all so fun to watch.
Sweet summer.
We have been cooling off in our backyard pool lots this month.
Corinne takes her "job" of pouring the cool water from one cup to another very seriously and aside from the two of them watering (and watering and watering and watering) my pathetic attempt at a potted herb garden, I'd say our pool time has been just about perfect.
Post nap swimming is a regular occurrence, and after applying sunscreen and shimmying into swimsuits the girls enjoy the chilly hose water. Juliet has turned into a little tanned beach babe and thankfully her paler sister hasn't sunburned.
Her pale skin makes me nervous. Sometimes I feel like I need to both apply lotion and then spray her again with our spray sunscreen!
Here's the best shot I could get of the two of them. Silly girls.
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