I guess it's true that the second kid gets the shaft sometimes :)
But, for what it's worth, here is a post dedicated to our second born at 14 months old.

- Beetle knows all the parts of the face. Her current favorite is the tongue. Nothing like her little fingers in your mouth trying to get a hold of your tongue!
- She loves to dance to songs. She has a good bounce and smiles and claps along with the music.
- Beetle say "ba" for a number of things these days - blanket, Barney, ball, ... book sounds a lot the same too :)
- The girl can walk ... she just chooses not to. She's walked half way across a room a couple of times, but 95% of the time, she crawls. It gets her where she's going ...
- I don't know if it's because of being stuck inside for 6 weeks after my surgery or what, but Corinne loves to get out of the house. If you go into her room and she sees her coat in the closet, she starts whining to put it on. Once the coat is on, she flaps her arms and is happy as can be, often clapping when we go into the garage.
- Beetle loves the bath. She blew bubbles in the tub for the first time a few nights ago and tries to put her face in the water all the time!!
- Maybe my favorite of the words she says right now is "up". She will stand at the foot of the bed and open her mouth as wide as she can when she says it. I just can't resist it :)
- She is a really good eater. Favorite vegetable is carrots right now. Loves to feed herself and is now requesting - by way of pointing and whining - silverware like everyone else has.
- Still only has 6 teeth, but I can actually see 2 more on the bottom; but they haven't come through yet.
- I think Beetle would sleep on me if I'd let her. We don't have a rocking chair in her room, but lately I've been laying down on the bed to sing her a few songs before I lay her down. She just lays on my chest and sings with me. She is our little snuggle bug.
- The girl LOVES her Daddy. I mean, I totally get it ... what's not to love?! She squeals when he gets home and pretty much stays in his arms until bed time. The sweetest are the hugs she gives him and lays her head down on his shoulder. Makes a Mommy so so happy.
- Corinne loves to read. She also loves to throw every single book off the bookshelves. Not sure which she likes more to be honest :)
- She likes to play with lots of different things, but a few favorites include - pretend car, musical instruments, books (she "reads" to herself often), play jewelry, and whatever Juliet is playing with.
- She knows when she is doing something she shouldn't be - like climbing on the fireplace - and will say "no, no, no" as she's doing it.
- Corinne loves to play with Juliet. She is game for whatever imaginary adventures Juliet has planned and tags along like she knows what's going on. I especially love it when Corinne figures out that something she's doing makes Juliet laugh (like playing in the flower pot)... they could just giggle at each other all day long :)
- Her hair is straight and her eyes are getting more hazel in them lately. I have trimmed the back of her hair once and her bangs twice.

P.S. Juliet's fourteen month update is here for anyone interested. Crazy to read it and see how early some of her stronger personality traits that I discussed here were already so evident. Even at just a year old, they really are little people already!!!
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