Last Thursday night I was up from midnight to 2 am with one question on my mind: am I in labor? And I guess I'll never know exactly what was going on, but it felt a lot like contractions. There was definite changes in intensity and uncomfortable enough to wake and keep me up in the middle of the night. Contractions happening WAY TOO EARLY. They stopped and haven't been back since, but my 2 hour visit with the potential impending doom of preterm labor sent me into a very different mode from last week.
We had better get ready for this baby. I want to tell myself we have plenty of time, but the reality is, we may not.
I pray we have at least 5.5 more weeks (that would put me at 36 weeks).
So, I've been trying to find a balance between savoring and preparing. Between cool evenings on the trampoline and making a list of baby stuff that needs to be retrieved from the attic and purchased at the store.
I love that these two are so completely unaware of our stress and anxiety. They just live and breathe the very moment they are in.
It is so beautiful to watch. Real joy.
Their joy is pure. Their dreams are big. Unadulterated.
I want them to stay this way forever.
I was reminded this week that some where along the path of life this changes for many. Diminishes. We are told to settle for something lesser. Smaller. More mainstream.
I am unwilling to accept it. Joy is worth fighting for.
We are in a faith stretching season of life right now. A season where we are being challenged to remember and truly believe that our God is a God of big dreams. Seemingly impossible dreams. We believe that our God will deliver. That He desires for us to dream big, remain dependent on Him, and wait and watch for Him to deliver.
Our God is greater, our God is stronger
God You are higher than any other
And if Our God is for us, then who could ever stop us
And if our God is with us, then what can stand against?
- lyrics from Our God by Chris Tomlin
God is so much bigger than mainstream.
And so we have faith for bigger things. We dream. And we wait.
We had family visit over the weekend which is always reason to stop and just be. We savor every hour we have and then spend a lot of time waiting for our next time together.

Our next time together will include two more family members (and four sleep deprived parents) which is exciting. Baby anticipation is so fun.
Cousins are fun :) Annie w/ baby N (34 weeks) and me w/ Luke (30 weeks).
Oh, and just so you're not worried I'm becoming a health food nut or anything, I made these for our visitors. They are amazing. I recommend that you nuke them just a little before eating.
Pretty sure I've gained at least 2 lbs this week due to these babies and their chocolatey goodness.
Here's a play by play of Beet Beet eating her cupcake. Girl forks everything :)
And big news around here. It's open.
Our month dedicated to visiting the pumpkin patch as many times as possible has begun. And our Nebraska family got to go with us for our first visit of the 2011 season.
We likely won't be dong the pony rides again. For Beetles anyways ;)
Juliet sat like a pro.
Beetles spent the entire time trying to dismount the horse. She did say she had fun and announce "I did great job!" once it was all over which was kind of hysterical considering her "Mommy, need off!" pleas during the entire ride.
Till next time! (Juliet getting one last snuggle in with Uncle Jeff before he had to leave).
Our weekend wore me out. Seriously. Kind of pathetic considering we didn't do anything! Just yesterday I felt somewhat normal again. Monday and Tuesday I was beat by noon. Tuesday afternoon I fell asleep on the floor in the playroom during Beetles nap. Not sure how long I slept. Long enough for Juliet to color all over herself with a pen :)

Attempted group shot.

Beet with her My Little Pony hat on. Love those two.
More pictures at Flickr.
Note: Nugget format inspired by the very inspiring Nici over at Dig this Chick.
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